It's long been a thing of legend, that John F. Kennedy single-handedly killed the tradition of men wearing hats, but is there any truth to the story? We dive in head first to find out.
You've daydreamed about being the hero a thousand times, but what will you do when an actual emergency strikes? Will you keep walking like everyone else, or will you have the courage to act? Separate ... [more]
If you've never felt the debilitating pain and humiliation of a bout with food poisoning, do yourself a favor and keep that track record sparkling by using this guide to recognizing the signs of ... [more]
You may recognize him as Lawrence of Arabia, but the real life man is closer to another film icon. T.E. Lawrence is probably the closest you could ever get to finding the real life Indiana Jones.
Equipping your home kitchen doesn't require hundreds of dollars or Swedish ceramics. Arm yourself with these eight essential, and manly, culinary tools and you'll have all you need to dominate your ... [more]
How long does it take to change your life? Follow author Robert Fure as he begins a 100 day trek to a fitter, healthier life by following this simple program. At this point he weighs less than he did ... [more]
Afraid you can't hold the door or offer to pay for dinner for fear of insulting a feminist? Fear not, they're not as scary as they seem. Learn what's true and what's a myth in our deconstruction of ... [more]
Congratulations on getting a date, job well done, sir. But your mission is far from accomplished. Your next potential stumbling block is that age-old question: What’s appropriate to wear? Relax, you... [more]