Having a great barbecue means more than a mean steak or some grilled chicken. You've got to fill the other half of the plate with something. Enter these three tasty and easy to pull off side dishes ... [more]
Nothing ruins a summer barbecue more than rain than...burning the house down. Keep these 5 safety tips in mind when you're manning the grill, and we'll make sure the only thing that's charbroiled are ... [more]
Don't look a fool in front of your buddies or worse, your girlfriend's dad at your summer bar-be-que. Check out our easy guide to lighting a charcoal grill and get your cookout off to a hot start.
As long as you've got your cook times down, you're probably making some pretty good food on the grill. But if you want to turn good into great, it's time to master the art of dry and wet rubs and open... [more]
With summer bar-b-que's gearing up in full swing, you'll likely find yourself playing the part of grillmaster. Many a men think they know how to grill a hamburger and then offer guests dry pucks on ... [more]