It doesn't matter if you've been dating for six months or for six years, trying to decipher what to do for Valentine's Day is always an anxious and confusing process. We've been marketed to so much our whole lives, our first instinct is to buy something we can't afford that's ultimately completely impersonal. A $300 watch. A diamond necklace. A ring that's a little too engagement-ringy.
It's not that jewelry is a bad Valentine's Day gift, it's that jewelry you buy just because it's expensive is dry. The only feeling behind it is, “Hey look! I dumped a bunch of money into this gift,” which makes it a terrible gift. Unlike birthdays or Christmas, where an expensive watch or necklace might be more appropriate, the secret to Valentine's Day is being sentimental. It's showing how much you love them by proving how well you know them. Unlike the other holidays, Valentine's Day is uniquely about the two of you, and the love you share.
The gifts below offer a personal touch that act as a reminder of that love anytime they're seen or worn, and they're all very reasonably priced.