Navigating through your post-collegiate experience can be tricky and chock full of uncertainty. With much of your time focused on finding your footing both professionally and personally, it isn’t hard to find yourself easing into a comfort zone. If you have a set routine with few deviations, it’s time to shake things up. Getting too comfortable can lead to decreased ambition, a lack of excitement, and an overall acceptance of life as it is.
Therefore, the lads and gals here at Primer present you with this Gentleman’s Goal: Get Outside Your Comfort Zone.
This goal is quite simple. All it requires is for you to do something that you normally would not. Find something unfamiliar and make it a part of your life. Men are creatures of habit, so the way a man operates outside of his comfort zone can say a great deal about his character. So while there are limitless ways to achieve this goal, here are a few suggestions.
A Little More Conversation
Think about your typical workday. How many people are you in close quarters with that you never even make eye contact with, let alone speak to? On the train, elevator, in the halls at work, there are countless opportunities to meet someone new.
Over the course of the next few weeks take these chances to smile and say hello, compliment a stranger, find some common ground, and strike up conversation.
Sharp Dressed Man
The weather is gradually cooling down, providing a great opportunity to dress nicely. Take a look at the dress code at your place of business, and step it up a notch. Particularly in the casual/business casual atmosphere, small details like a jacket or tie go a long way.
Not only will you come to be known as the well-dressed guy, but you may also find that the change in attire improves your work ethic.
I’ve Got A Feeling
It is no great secret that men may not be the best at expressing their emotions. This common thought presents a great opportunity to change that image. For the gentleman that already has a significant other by his side, turn to them and tell them exactly how you feel about them.
For the gentleman that is still looking for that special someone, be bold in your search. Approach someone and tell them what it is that made you approach them. Regardless of your situation, outright sharing your feelings with someone more often than not yields positive results.
Let’s Dance
For the amount of people in this world that love music, a shockingly low number of them are comfortable with dancing. When a catchy tune starts playing in a room full of attractive people, to not take the opportunity to get out on the floor and shake it is almost criminal. A gentleman who dances at a bar, club, or party shows that he is fun and not afraid to cut loose every now and then. A gentleman who takes his lady dancing, whether in a formal or informal setting, shows a commitment to her and their relationship. As an added bonus, dancing also happens to be a lot of fun, so there is very little to lose.
You may have noticed the repetition of the word “opportunity” as you read this article. Each day we gents are presented with opportunities to improve our lives by trying something new and exciting. Do not let these opportunities pass. Get out there and live outside of your comfort zone, and let us know how it went!