We've all seen and heard him. He's at a party, telling dirty jokes and talking about his weekend in Reno with a pair of strippers -- twins! Or he's having a very personal phone conversation, and ... [more]
Billions of words are spoken every minute, from casual curses to informal greetings to random mutterings. But every now and then mere words change the very shape of the world and alter all of our ... [more]
A quarter of the year is already gone. Poof! That's .003% of your life, folks. Don't freak out, though, there's still time to make it all worthwhile. Check out these 25 statutes, founded in ... [more]
If you're currently using the back of your car as one big dumpster, you're not only disgusting, you're wasting space. Clear out your trunk of meaningless debris and pack it with these essentials so ... [more]
Fifty years ago the relationship between men and women was vastly different, especially if "The Good Wife's Guide" from the 1955 issue of Housekeeping Monthly bares any truth. In the interest of ... [more]
In a world of PayPals, Credit Cards, and e-Checks, cash is slowly disappearing from our wallets, literally. On the street, cash is still king and if it's not in your pocket, well, you're bound to look... [more]
Are your MANnerisms up to par? Do you follow the set rules of society in your everyday existence or will you soon find yourself on the receiving end of a conversation normally reserved for an 8 year ... [more]
What we're about to tell you may just blow your mind. Sometimes the safest bet is to drop it all and quit your job. You're young and can afford the risk. Taking a chance on your dreams may be the ... [more]
Nothing says refinement and “Old Boy Charm” like the smooth, silky smoke of a quality cigar. When the boss singles you at out the company picnic don’t be caught off guard.