We find ourselves in a funny situation these days: We say "yes" to all the annoying schedule stretching requests, but say "no" to all the things that will help us grow as individuals.
The greatest obstacle to success isn’t outward competition. It’s inward doubt. For many of us, this doubt is so pervasive that it causes us to sabotage our selves.
Sometimes friendships, even long-lasting important ones, can sour. Many guys opt for the "pretend they don't exist, and they'll get the hint" approach. We say you're more of a man that that.
Telling guys to be polite and friendly may sound obvious, but how many times have you diverted your eyes walking passed someone in the hallway, or pulled out your cell phone in the elevator to avoid ... [more]
If you're truly interested in developing yourself into the man you know you can be, Manvotionals will help you hone your thoughts and open your mind to a clear path for achieving your goals.