Whiteboards are perfect for brainstorming any type of project. The problem? They're really, really expensive. We found a unique, and easy DIY solution for under $15.
Picking up and moving somewhere new can be one of the most rewarding things you'll do for yourself in life. But ask anyone who has done it and you're sure to hear some horror stories about the process... [more]
Just like a gentleman's wardrobe, his home should feel intentional, not a collection of things accumulated over the years and thrown together like that Episode II poster and those IKEA paper lamps ... [more]
When faced with a minor home repair, the man lacking confidence does one of two things: ignores it or calls a repair man. Instead, earn a few man points by doing simple home repairs yourself. Here, we... [more]
Your first place out of college is usually a hodgepodge of furniture and decorations from anyone that had extra to give you. If you've got an apartment or house you're ready to make your own check out... [more]
Admittedly, in our current world, the thickheaded male perspective of "this is a man's job and that is a woman's job" is thankfully dwindling by the day, but there are still a great deal of guys out ... [more]
Sure, the indoor baseball and jungle juice ice luge SEEMED like good ideas, but now you're moving out and there's a lot of wreckage to hide. Utilizing these 5 secret weapons, not only will your place... [more]