Remember moving into your dorm for the first time? Or your first apartment in college? Or your first place once you received that very expensive and very bland piece of paper from your institution of higher learning?
We all move – and we will all move numerous times in our lifetimes – and recently, I made a move that took me from Kansas City to New York City. (And for those doing the math, from door to door it was 1,238 miles.) I did a lot of research before the move, and with our age group having an open attitude towards transience, I wanted to share what I have learned from moving across the country.
First, you must decide if the move is right. It is a tough question and only you can answer it. Some of you may already be asking yourself if the time to make a move like this is now. I, along with Primer’s founder when he made the move to Los Angeles from Washington, DC, had many personal questions to answer before diving into a cross-country move.
So, here are a few key questions to ask yourself:
Can I afford it?
Moving itself is an expensive venture. On my latest move, I happened to be on the phone when I swiped my credit card to pay for my first of many tanks of gas for the moving truck and I do recall using some choice words. I had factored in the cost, but it doesn’t make it easier. There are a lot of options with moving. Do I pack and move it myself? Pay for moving and movers? Rent a truck or van or ship all my items? All key questions and with the internet, the answers are pretty easy to come by.
What about my couch?
You know that old college couch that still has soda stains? Time for it to go! Luckily I didn’t have that anymore, but I did have a nice couch and a recliner that I had to make a choice about. But with the space I was moving into and the furniture we already had, I decided to sell nearly all my furniture. Is it worth moving an item across country when you can buy a new one just as easy? You will spend a little money in the process, but selling goods via sites like CraigsList makes it terribly efficient. (I even sold my car that way too!)
Where the hell will I live?
Finding a place to live is a headache, no matter where you’re moving to and from. It is vitally important to study the neighborhoods you are interested in. Search for crime rates and tax rates (I failed to do the latter in my last place) so you can factor that into your search choices. Make a list of all the things you need and want in your new place, like a dishwasher, gym on site, pets, etc. then, if possible, take a trip and get to know the areas.
Those are the basics. But once you get through those and you really think now is the time, then get your ass in gear and make it happen.
Moving is tough. It’s mentally and emotionally stressful, but these tips worked for me on my move from Kansas City to the Big Apple.
Be ruthless with possessions
While I’m not a minimalist, moving anywhere is a great opportunity to clear out possessions. I knew coming to my apartment here in New York City I would have considerably less space, but how much did not become apparent until all my boxes had filled up my living room and kitchen. My advice is to go through all your possessions, multiple times. If you decide to keep something, great! And if you decide to not keep something, take a photo of it so you can still remember it. But be ruthless … they are just possessions.
Make a list
And check it twice! Seriously … I’m talking a two-month planning list of things you need to do. For instance, change addresses, send that to the Post Office, reserve truck or movers, pack, deal with banking issues, get moving help, utilities, etc. A lot goes into living and moving, and having a list helps keep you organized during a rather stressful time.
Here is a start of the address change list:
- Credit Cards
- Voter registration
- Banks
- Student Loans (and other loans)
- Magazines
- Membership Organizations
This list also should include the things you need to do once you get to your new location. What are they you ask? Glad you did!
- DMV, including a new license and registering any vehicles
- Some states like California give you only 2 weeks to do this before assessing a penalty
- Voting
- Health and auto insurance
- Organ Donor
- Open new banking accounts
- Sending a change of address to necessary contacts
Enjoy it
You have enough to worry about if you’re driving the truck yourself (like I did), so it is just good sense to enjoy the journey. I actually took photos and video of my journey and shared it with everyone once I arrived. My first day, I stopped at a fun café in a tiny town in Indiana and enjoyed a great home-cooked meal. I also stayed with friends in Columbus, Ohio, and on my last night we went to this fantastic German sausage restaurant and ate sauerkraut for the first time in my life. Not great, but an experience!
Take time
This is your farewell to this place and while you may visit, these relationships are going to change. Therefore, make sure you take the time to say good-bye to people. Do drinks. Have dinners. (Then you can “con” people into helping you make the move!)
Why move in this day-and-age of the Internet and Twitter and Facebook without building a network in your new city first? Luckily, I had some pretty good friends in New York City before I came and over the last six months I worked really hard to find people, set up phone calls and networking meetings. I did this so that by the time I unpacked my network would be prepared to spring into action.
I know these sound simple, but trust me, they work. I am a testament to the fact that these items work in making the move a safe and efficient one. Above all, if you ever find yourself in this situation, enjoy it!