You know what's more impressive than serving a date wine during dinner? Serving them a glass of port afterward. (And it tastes pretty damn good, too.) We'll teach you everything you need to get ... [more]
"Aged liked a fine wine," is a popular adage, but not all wine gets better with age, and the best wines aren't all old. No need to be embarrassed when you're drinking that fine bottle of 2009 vino, we... [more]
This glass for this type of drink, that glass for something else: it can all be hard to keep track of. Check out our visual guide to the common types of glasses for wine, beer, spirits and cocktails.
Whether you're sharing some wine with friends over a home-cooked meal or celebrating with a bottle of champagne with your girlfriend's parents, getting the details right not only allows everyone to ... [more]
Do you know what you're supposed to do when the server shows you the wine bottle at a restaurant? Or how to read a wine list? If you're like most guys, you probably don't, because no one ever teaches ... [more]
After reading through this guide, you should have a working knowledge of the different types of wine and enough vocabulary to set out and buy your first serious bottle. (And maybe impress your ... [more]
Red goes with what? Fish? You can't serve what in what glass? Wine can be damn intimidating. We proudly introduce a new series that will give every beer and whiskey drinker out there an excellent ... [more]