Monday Motivation: The Unclimbable Mountain [wallpaper]

We allow people to convince us that something cannot be done just because it hasn't been done before.

There is a unique instinct present in humans. The desire to know more than you know now. To venture into the void uncertain of where it will lead you or whether you'll live through it. This innate hunger, to look up at a mountain and yearn to know what is on the other side, has been the driving force for human expansion, knowledge, and understanding for all of time. It has caused humans to become the most widespread and dominant animal in our current understanding of the universe, and it is this instinct that will allow you to achieve all of your goals in life.

Unfortunately, just as in our own lives, there will always be society, others who've come before you, or your closest loved ones who demand some “mountain” cannot be conquered. If you let them convince you, they'll always be right.

Do not fear standing at the base of an unsurmountable obstacle. Yearn to know what is on the other side.

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Andrew Snavely

Andrew founded Primer in 2008 and brings 15+ years of men's style expertise. Known for his practical, relatable approach to style and self-development, he has been a recognized speaker at conferences and has styled work for top brands. Off-duty, he loves photography & editing, and enjoys road trips with his dog, Leela. Raised in rural Pennsylvania, educated in DC, and living in LA for nearly 20 years, Andrew's diverse experiences shape the relatable and real-world advice that has helped millions through Primer. On Instagram: @andrewsnavely and @primermagazine.