No job. No money. No meal plan. Finding a job after college may seem like a dire situation, but even in this work climate there's no need to panic if you're smart about it. Utilize these four time tested job seizing techniques and you'll be starting your first day at your new gig before your friends can say, “grad school.”
Crisis in Chinese means both threat and opportunity at the same time. Graduating fits this definition perfectly. It can be the opportunity to fulfill years of dreams or achieving life goals, and at the same time, the transition from student to professional may become a frustrating experience. Finishing college and enduring the social and internal pressure to become part of the productive circle – while one is not being able – can push people to their limits.
These are 4 simple things you can do to make your job hunt more effective and gain visibility in the professional jungle.
Start Online
This is the first, easiest and logical step. Employers rely heavily on internet recruiting services such as these. I’d start with CareerBuilder and CollegeRecruiter. CareerBuilder is the most established online resource for recruiting and most top companies have active campaigns there. College Recruiter focuses on internships and entry-level jobs. Craigslist is also very popular in many regions, so it's worth looking into in your area.
Create a LinkedIn Profile
The most common mistake people do when looking for a job is focusing on just one channel. Just like in finance, the key is diversification. You don’t need to have all your eggs in the same basket. If something happens to it, it’s game over.
LinkedIn is the number one and most active social network for professionals. Not only it will become your presentation card and most viewed online resume, it will also give you the opportunity to stay connected to professionals and companies Become an active member. Add your classmates, people you know from other universities and friends. If any of your former classmates has found a job he is then in a good position to point you towards companies (such as his) that are currently hiring.
Tap Your Social Circle
The second mistake some people make is to assume that asking others for a job is shameful and makes you look like a loser. False, asking people for a job only shows your will to start your professional career. There’s no shame in being inexperienced. You gotta start somewhere. Everyone has.
Use all your connections and focus on your friends and family, they are your best spokesmen to spread the word about your capabilities and strengths. And never say no to anyone offering to introduce you to someone — social venues are an excellent place to express your desire to work. Stay connected to the offline world. Don’t invest all of your time sitting in front of your computer. Real people are as important as “virtual” people.
Believe it
The third mistake young professionals make when looking for their first job “in the field” is to sit in front of the interviewer like a wet chick. You spent half a decade in school, isn’t that experience? Realize you are now a professional and approach job interviews as such.
About the Author
Fernando Tarnogol is an Argentinean psychologist who lives in Pennsylvania, USA. His experience includes working for Microsoft, HSBC Bank Argentina in Human Resources and several mental health facilities performing clinical work . In 2008 he was recruited in Argentina by the Devereux Foundation, the biggest mental health care provider in the USA as a residential counselor and then subsequently changed positions into coordinating and managing some of the foundation’s programs. Check out his site |