Have you ever met a woman you were strangely attracted to but couldn't figure out why? Animal instinct, my friend. Many of the physical cues we identify as 'sexy' have descended from millions of ... [more]
If you've ever asked for the Daniel Craig and walked out with the Daniel Baldwin, listen up. Learn how to get exactly what you want from every barber, every time.
A quarter of the year is already gone. Poof! That's .003% of your life, folks. Don't freak out, though, there's still time to make it all worthwhile. Check out these 25 statutes, founded in ... [more]
Think you know beer? Well if you've never heard of the Great American Beer Festival, think again. If you have heard of it, but haven't made the trip to beer mecca yet, well then shame on you. Use ... [more]
Perhaps one of the most prolific poets of our time, Flo-rida's lyrics speak the people's voice in today's turbulent economic times. As Flo-rida goes, so goes the country.
If you haven't been using the internet to enhance your finances, then you're about as up to date as Friendster. We may not make you the next social media mogul, but these hacks will start making you... [more]
For sixty minutes every day you're let loose from your cubicle confinement, so don't waste your precious freedom by blowing $12 on a Tex-Mex combo platter. Use these 8 tips for saving money and eating... [more]
Just because your wallet is hurting these days doesn't mean your romantic life should be. Try out one of these five bargain dates that will not only entertain her, but keep her in the dark about your... [more]