No smartphone or tablet can replace the experience of writing in a leather notebook with a good pen. It makes everything you write more significant, ideas, drawings, journal entries, everything. Not that you should worry about only writing down “good” things, but there's something subconsious that happens when writing in a leather book like this one from Pelle, like everything you write in it carries more weight.
I've always been a fan of nice notebooks, I've made my way through Moleskines, Field Notes, and handmade numbers. The cool thing about this Pelle book, besides being handmade in the USA, is that it can hold 3 replaceable notebooks. Fill 'em up with great notes? Swap them out for some new ones, without having to drop the cash on a completely new leather book, while also saving yourself precious bookshelf space from a stack of Moleskines.
Each Pelle Journal comes with one 64 page notebook, and is available at JetPens for $29.99, along with this awesome mini stainless steel ball point pen for $6.75