Affordable style, self-development, how-tos, and apartment DIY
for the Self-made Man
Justin Brown
Justin Brown is an artist and writer living in Virginia. He channels most of his enthusiasm into making things for his online art shop, Artness! by Justin Brown. You can keep up to date with him, his worldly adventures, and his dogs by following him on Instagram and on Facebook
Vegetables have been credited with a lot of accomplishments, in their time. They are the boy scouts. The good guys. The foods that help your body stay healthy and fight off a variety of maladies. But ... [more]
Is it for farming? Is it for energy conservation? Is it for voter turnout in elections? Is it to prevent pedestrians from getting hit by cars? Let's find out.
Many people think they don't have any bad habits just because they don't chew their nails, drag their feet, or swear like a sailor -- but don't be resistant to self-improvement. If you're doing any of... [more]
What happens on that fateful date? Does it disappear? Does it suddenly become toxic? How does the purity of clean water sealed in a container suddenly become compromised?
We know you'll be more on the lookout for incredible alley-oops and celebratory dances than anything else but don't forget about these five potentially interesting plot lines, during this weekend's ... [more]