A new year isn't only for eating better and joining a gym, it's an opportunity to get your wardrobe up to snuff. Get back to basics with our 2010 Style Manifesto.
When the temperature drops and the snow starts to fall it’s time to cover up in something warm and dry. While there are several options for men to choose from; here are some of the best to get you ... [more]
Primer is excited to announce our new monthly advice column, Soapbox Therapy, created for guys just like us who may need some anonymous counsel from time to time.
Stop blowing all your money on $4 coffee. With a french press you can make delicious joe at home that tastes better than a coffee shop's AND it's a whole lot cheaper.
Making good on that new year’s resolution to tone your body and prime your health doesn’t have to involve an expensive gym membership and a crazy amount of free time. Simply modify a few habits ... [more]
Whether you've hung on to your job or not, if you've seen the layoff scythe wielded through the corporate halls you've seen in sharp relief that you can't rely on your company to protect your career ... [more]
Until you graduated college, there wasn't much need for a week's worth of suits, dress shirts, and ties. Pulling together a professional wardrobe when you're offered a job doesn't need to be ... [more]